The Bhor Chemicals and Plastics Pvt. Ltd., Shivsagar Estate, Block A, 8th Floor, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400018, Maharashtra, India
BhorForce® range of Woven Unidirectional and Bidirectional Reinforcement Fabrics with Carbon, Aramid, Glass and Quartz Fibers available in different weave patterns, aerial weights and widths
BhorPreg® is our range of Industrial and Aerospace Grade Prepregs available in Epoxy and Cyanate Ester Resin systems which can be combined with a variety of Unidirectional and Bidirectional Reinforcements made with Carbon, Aramid, Glass and Quartz Fibers tailored for highly demanding applications.
BhorBond® is our range of high-performance specially formulated Epoxy and Cyanate Ester Resin Systems for High Performance Composites as well as complete basket of Epoxy based systems for Structural Strengthening and Rehabilitation.
BhorTensor® range of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Precured Pultruded Laminates and Profiles which are strong, light weight and ideal for composite and structural applications.
A range of Consumables required for manufacturing composites as well as Composite Starter Kits for students, enthusiasts and first-time users to start with manufacturing their first Carbon Fiber Composite Products.
NABL Accredited testing facilities for Fiber Reinforced Plastic Products, Textile Materials as well as Polymers and Plastics.
BhorFilm® Range of Film Adhesive Systems for Light Weight Sandwich Structures
A range of FRP Reinforcement Materials required for Structural Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures.